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Secure Your Nebraska Oversize Permits Today – Call Now!

Nebraska (NE) DOT Phone no.# (270)908-9656

Oversize & Overweight Trucking Permits for Single Trip, Fuel, Overhang and Annual Permits

Oversize permits validity, Legal Dimensions, Routine Permits requirements, Escort/Pilot car information all your needs

Nebraska (NE) oversize permits validity: These permits valid for ten-days. Before entering with a heavy haul, it is necessary to secure permits.

Nebraska (NE) Legal Dimension

Length with Overhang: 53 feet acceptable for semi-trailer and load and 65 feet acceptable for multiple-trailers and load.
Note: poles, beams, and other construction components are not included in permit requirements for length and overhang.

Width: 8 feet 6 inches

Height: 14 feet 6 inches

Weight: 80,000lbs Gross, Single Axle 20,000lbs, Tandem Axles 34,000lbs and Tridem Axles 42,000lbs (on designated highway and 34,000 on other highways.)

– For interstate routes, an “Interstate Use Permit” is required.
– You may exceed 80,000 pounds of gross weight on Nebraska state roadways (Interstate) without a permit, as long as you comply with all axle or group weight limitations and are licensed for the total weight.
– Remember to carry the necessary permits and comply with these regulations for safe and legal transportation.

Nebraska (NE) Routine Permit Limit

Length: In Nebraska, there is no maximum vehicle length. However, on interstates, if a trailer is longer than 85 feet, a light bar must be connected to the trailer’s rear.

Width: 16 feet

Height: If a height exceeds 16 feet, a route research is necessary. Otherwise, it depends on the top structure.

Weight: Single Axle 20,000lbs, Tandem Axles 40,000lbs and Tridem Axles 70,000lbs.
Loads that surpass 16 feet in width or height, 100 feet in length, or 160,000 pounds in gross weight are considered superloads.

Nebraska (NE) Travel Time Oversized load may be transported from half an hour before sunrise to half an hour after sunset, including weekends and holidays. Overweight loads may move continuously.

Nebraska (NE) Travel Restrictions: – On Saturdays and Sundays after 12:00 PM, traffic is prohibited on state roadways (except I-80) in Lincoln.
– In Omaha, all routes have the same limitations.
– During Saturday Cornhusker football home games, movement is banned on I-80 in the Lincoln area between exits 395 and 409, as well as on the state highway system from the Iowa border to Nebraska 14 and from the Kansas border to Nebraska 91.
– The Permit Office is closed on public holidays, including Arbor Day (the last Friday in April). Travel restrictions may apply during major holidays and weekends.

New Hampshire Oversize Permits

Nebraska (NE) Escort / Pilot Car Requirements and Information

Length: More than 90 feet, required one escort and more than 100 feet, also required one escort.

Width: More than 12 feet, required one escort.
Instruction: In Nebraska (interstate), or four-lane mixed roads, a light bar attachment placed on the rear of the load is required in alternative of escort/ pilot car if mentioned on the permit. The Light bar must be placed at the height that allows vehicles rear to be seen clearly, and must have a left and right rotating amber light that could be visible for 800 feet.

Height: More than 14 feet 6 inches required one front escort or it depends on route and load and more than 16 feet required route survey and height pole requirements.

Signal, lights and flags requirements for oversize load: If a truck’s width exceeds 10 feet, it is required to show signs stating that the vehicle and its load are ‘Oversized Loads.’ Flags, each measuring 18 inches square, must be displayed on all corners of transport larger than 12 feet. Furthermore, if the load has a ‘Rear Overhang’ of 4 feet or more, red flags at least 12 inches square must be attached during sunlight hours. At night, a continuous red light visible for at least 200 feet is necessary. Traveling at night with a constant-burning red light is acceptable for rear overhangs of more than 4 feet and overlength loads.

Nebraska (NE) Single trip (IRP) OR Fuel (IFTA) and Annual Permits:

To obtain Nebraska (NE) Single trip (IRP) OR Fuel (IFTA) and Annual Permits, the carrier must log into the state’s online permitting system, acknowledge the permit conditions, enter the vehicle and load information, select the travel dates, and provide the route details. Get your permits by calling us at (270)908-9656.

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Nebraska (NE) Overweight Permit

In Nebraska, oversize permits are valid for 10 days and must be acquired Before entering with a heavy haul, it is necessary to secure permits.
– The operating hours from half an hour before sunrise to half an hour after sunset, including weekends. Overweight-only vehicles may travel indefinitely.
– Divisible loads weighing more than 80,000 pounds may travel on state roads without a permit provided they are authorized for all axle/group weights and licensed for at least the gross weight.

Nebraska (NE) Overlength Permit

There is no long restriction, however if a load exceeds 85 feet on interstates, a light bar must be attached to the trailer’s back.
– Overlength loads or those with more than 4 feet of rear overhang may be operated at night using a steady- burning red light

Nebraska (NE) Fuel/Trip Permit

Fuel permits are required as the International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA). when vehicles that temporarily enter a jurisdiction or your truck is not registered under the International. Trip Permit are required as the Registration Plan (IRP) or you want to go just for one time with over-dimensional load.
Purchase fuel and trip permits on the Nebraska to our website, under Motor Carrier/Trucking online services.
A 72-hour journey permit costs $25 with a $2 payment processing charge, while a 72-hour fuel permit costs $20 with the same price. The combined journey and fuel permit costs $45.

Nebraska (NE) Overhang Permit

Loads with a rear overhang of more than 4 feet may drive at night with a steady-burning red light. Poles, pipes, beams, utility poles, and other building components do not need permits for length or back overhang.

Nebraska (NE) Overwidth Permits

If a truck’s width exceeds 10 feet, it is required to show signs stating that the vehicle and its load are ‘Oversized Loads.’ On both sides front and rear of the vehicle. For loads broader than 12 feet, flags of at least 18 square inches are needed on all four corners of the truck.

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FAQ'S Asked Questions about Oversize Permits

Nebraska oversize permits information including legal dimensions, routine permit limits, and escort requirements, operating times and restricted travel.

Oversized loads may travel at night in Nebraska, but there are special rules to observe. The normal travel time is one-half hour before dawn and one-half hour after dusk. However, movement for all over-dimensional permit vehicles is prohibited on holidays and long weekends. Each permit specifies the hours of limitation during holidays and long weekends.

Nebraska has the following maximum lengths for vehicles and weights without a CDL (Commercial Driver's License):
- Single truck with load: 40 ft
- Semitrailer (without truck): 53 ft.
- Other single trailer or cargo (excluding truck): 53 ft.
- Semitrailer and trailer (with load and connection devices): 65'
- Any other combination of single or multiple loads (65 feet).

The weight restrictions vary depending on the vehicle layout. Here are the max weights:
- Single axle capacity is 20,000lbs, while tandem axle capacity is 34,000 lbs.
- Tridem Axle: 42,000 pounds.
- Maximum gross weight: 80,000 pounds.
The maximum weight allowed on state roadways is 95,000 pounds, subject to bridge chart compliance. Interstate highways have a normal weight restriction of 80,000 pounds.

Divisible loads above 80,000lbs may run on state roads without a permit, if they are lawful for all axle/group weights and licensed for at least the gross weight.

Legal Truck Length in Nebraska: 85 feet

No, Travel is not allowed on Sunday in Alabama.

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